Registry 2.0

Anagrafe unificata a livello nazionale e internazionale: ad oggi l’anagrafe canina ha carattere regionale e ogni Regione tiene un registro in modo diverso, spesso difficilmente confrontabile con quello delle altre Regioni e di altri Paesi. Se un cane si perde in una regione diversa da quella di residenza può essere molto difficile risalire al proprietario. Se l’animale si perde all’estero il rischio è addirittura che venga soppresso in un canile. É ora di superare le barriere e costruire un modello unificato!

Beyond the borders

FaunaLife simplifies the movement of animals during travel and facilitates adoptions between different regions and countries, with an almost immediate update of data.

Digital Identity

In many legislations dogs and cats are still considered as "things/objects", while their owners consider them family members. Providing them with a digital identity, with a past and a future, is a first step in protecting them and recognizing their rights.

Genealogical tree

Every year, millions of purebred dogs and cats around the world are registered with different and disjointed agencies. These have limited and difficult to access informations. FaunaLife makes it possible to reconstruct the family tree of all animals, not just purebreds, without limits, and makes the data easily accessible.

Quick reunion

In caso di smarrimento o fuga dell’animale chi lo trova ha modo di segnalarlo al proprietario tramite lettura della medaglietta NFC. Avrà anche le informazioni necessarie per trattarlo al meglio in attesa del ricongiungimento.

Combats fraud and abuse

FaunaLife allows to fight more effectively the trade of purebred puppies from Puppy Farms, the exploitation of broodmares for breeding purposes and the sale of fake pedigrees.

Always available

FaunaLife app allows you to have always available the animal's documents, such as passport, health booklet, awards and patents, insurance data.... Informations are immediately available if required by the authorities, for health reasons or work of the animal, without the need to carry paper documents, easily to lost and with poor information.

Database for research

The inserted data, linked together, would allow universities and research centers to carry out studies on the transmissibility of genetic diseases with accuracy and on a very large sample. Finding, for example, in a litter the siblings that have developed a disease, with FaunaLife would be possible, simple and extremely useful to understand the diseases and develop treatments.

Health informations

FaunaLife creates a digital medical record that veterinarians can consult as needed. Data such as vaccinations, pathologies, exams, therapies...can be updated directly by the owner and are available for consultation by different specialists (veterinarian, neurologist, cardiologist, nutritionist...) who do not have their own shared databases.
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